BUY BITCOIN PAYPAL The major problem about Bitcoin is that you can’t buy it easily. However I will give you the ways to buy it. There are many ways, here I will prefer you only two easiest ways 1) Virwox and 2) Cryptologic. 1) VIRWOX Virwox doesn’t provide to exchange it. But it gives you the easiest ways for the exchange. You must buy Second life linens (SLL), a currency used in the Virwox world and trade your SLL for it.You know buying it with PayPal comes high fees. But in Virwox you will cost only a little fee, around 10%. However, this is still the cheapest, easiest, fastest way to buy Bitcoin with PayPal. 2) CRYPTOLOGIC Cryptonit is a cryptocurrency exchange that allows you to deposit funds through Paypal as well as many other payment form like Skrill and a credit card. However unlike Virwox, you will need to go through a verification process in order to qualify for Paypal deposit. The verification process includes the following: A copy of a government issues photo id An address verification document like a utility bill or rental agreement A photo of you holding these documents or a Skype video call with someone from Cryptonit. 84527